Erindi game reserve day2 & 3



// Nikon D7200

We went on a self drive safari with mister Fox. We spotted many zebras and oryx on the way, but not easy to catch a clear shot, and after a few hours driving slowly, all eyes out, we didn’t see much, apart from a very lucky sight of a rhino family ! And that alone, made the day. On the way back, we went to the 4wd only section, and well, that’C'est là qu'on a vu les limites de monsieur Fox ! There was a long steep stone road, with massive holes (as deep as our wheels) and massive boulders (bigger than our wheels !!) and despite engaging 4wd and low gears, the van came to a stop facing those massive rocks. That was scary enough to make it here, but doing the same thing in reverse to backup was a hell of another story.

Next day, we decided to go for a guided safari, and it confirmed my thoughts, many animals are tagged, et les guides utilisent un équipement radio pour les localiser. Il y avait beaucoup de touristes ce jour-là, mais nous avons eu la chance d'être sur la petite jeep du guide scout avec sa radio ! Par ici, nous étions toujours les premiers sur place 🙂 Et ça a commencé très vite avec une rencontre rapprochée d'un couple de lions dans la brousse, à seulement 10m de la route de gravier. Beau !
Le voyage a continué, avec plus de lions et de guépards. Sadly, pas d'éléphants (et nous savons avec certitude qu'ils ont un troupeau massif à l'intérieur du parc)

That’c'est pour Erindi, il est temps de se précipiter à Windhoek pour Mike’le dernier jour. A « quick » stop at a craft market to do some shopping, which ended up being an ambush with dozens of locals jumping at us to sell random things. It took a few hours and hundreds of dollars to get out of this place, but with some pretty nice souvenirs in our bags.

Now back in Urban camp, Windhoek. Back to square 1, with nice shower, wifi, and delicious cuisine, just the perfect way to end this journey with Mike. Safe flight home bud.

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